All posts created by Vinny Raymond
08/30/2016 / By Vinny Raymond

Monsanto had been aware for 40 years now that glyphosate causes cancer — yet they remain mum about it. This


06/13/2016 / By Vinny Raymond

Thought exercises were conducted by Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for force development David Ochmanek and one of his colleagues


06/13/2016 / By Vinny Raymond

10,000 confiscated guns and counting. The Atlanta state police has been placed into a very uncomfortable spot. They took the


06/10/2016 / By Vinny Raymond

Political activist Mike Davis went to the street, presenting himself as a MSNBC reporter. He made up some insane news;


03/23/2016 / By Vinny Raymond

Paul Craig Roberts had his teeth and nails sharpened when he lambasted the government once again in his column. He


01/19/2016 / By Vinny Raymond

Professor Mike Adams (not the Health Ranger) welcomed his criminology students at UNC-Wilmington with open arms and a fiery class


01/13/2016 / By Vinny Raymond

The words civil war, takeover, secret facilities, dissident, and inevitable are circulating among the whispers of disenchantment all across America.


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