All posts tagged with National Security
08/15/2017 / By JD Heyes

As the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media continues to hammer President Donald J. Trump over his refusal to take the ‘military


08/13/2017 / By Ethan Huff

The mainstream media can’t stop gushing over Robert S. Mueller III for “sacrificially” leaving his prestigious $3.4 million partner job


08/12/2017 / By Ethan Huff

A miniaturized nuclear warhead capable of fitting inside a missile is the latest bragging right of the Kim Jong Un


08/11/2017 / By JD Heyes

As the United States and North Korea engage in a war of words over the latter’s nuclear and missile development


08/10/2017 / By JD Heyes

The war of words between President Donald J. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un heated up again on Tuesday,


08/07/2017 / By Jayson Veley

With Iran on the move to develop a nuclear weapon and the North Koreans making repeated threats to strike the


08/03/2017 / By JD Heyes

President Donald J. Trump has found a staunch ally in Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, as the two appear to


08/01/2017 / By Jayson Veley

After eight years of timidity and weak leadership on the global stage, America finally has a commander-in-chief that is embracing


07/30/2017 / By Rhonda Johansson

The success of Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) is astounding, with reports suggesting that nearly a million undocumented immigrants would


07/29/2017 / By Rhonda Johansson

The U.S. Navy says they have now perfected railgun technology they began more than a decade ago. The weapon, which


07/23/2017 / By Tracey Watson

The U.S. Navy is accelerating its efforts to be ready for any threat to national security, and has announced that


07/23/2017 / By JD Heyes

Over the Fourth of July holiday, North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un ordered the test-firing of a newly upgraded missile that


07/20/2017 / By Rhonda Johansson

Civil unrest continues to escalate in Venezuela, as news reports show a stolen police helicopter launching grenades at the country’s


07/19/2017 / By Jayson Veley

Various nuclear plants and energy providers like Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation in Burlington, Kansas, have recently been the targets


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