The ongoing fight against ISIS has seen demand for missiles skyrocket.
(Article by Cheyenne Macdonald, republished from //
Lockheed Martin, which supplies the stocks for the United States and allies, has revealed it has quadrupled production of its Paveway II laser-guided bomb, and is boosting manufacturing of its Hellfire missile.
The firm revealed it is constantly expanding factories to keep up.
The efforts are expected to continue over the next few years, Lockheed vice president says, necessitating the increasing use of these systems by the US, NATO, and Middle Eastern allies.
US Navy ordnance handlers move a 1,000-pound GBU-16 Paveway laser-guided bomb from the ‘bomb farm’ onboard USS Kitt Hawk: Lockheed Martin, which supplies the stocks for the United States and allies, has revealed it has quadrupled production of its Paveway II laser-guided bomb, and boosts manufacting of its Hellfire missile.
As the US and allies continue to fight against ISIS, military forces are upping the demand from Lockheed to equip warplanes for ‘great-power wars at sea,’ Defense One reports.
This is especially apparent with Lockheed’s Hellfire missile, which is used by Predator and Reaper drones, along with helicopters and fixed-wing planes.
Last June, the US Army paid $18 million to Lockheed to increase production of this laser-guided weapon from 500 to 650 missiles per month.
‘We are seeing a lot of international demand for our product set,’ Frank St. John, Lockheed’s vice president of tactical missiles, told DefenseOne.
‘That’s causing us to do a lot of work in international partnerships and co-production and we’re very excited about those opportunities.’
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