Happy New Year, America! Are you really ready for 2018? Here’s a list of 20+ things that could erupt without warning…
Happy New Year, America! Somehow, we all survived 2017 and we’re still breathing. America hasn’t been shattered yet, North Korea hasn’t yet nuked us and Baltimore still has at least a few citizens who aren’t heroin addicts. The dollar hasn’t collapsed and neither has the stock market. Heck, even Bitcoin is still over $12,000 right now… at least for the moment.
So drink up and party down while you still can. You’ll want to sober up quickly so that you can face 2018 with a degree of seriousness, because a lot of the craziness that didn’t quite bubble to the surface is 2017 is now primed for a 2018 eruption.
Every conflict gets worse in 2018
2018 is looking like it will be a year of incredible global conflict. I’ve already posted a list of my top ten predictions for 2018, so I won’t repeat them all here, but the convergence of disturbing events in 2018 is shaping up to be nothing less than epic. Here’s a list of just some of the global conflicts that are accelerating toward uncontrolled eruptions in 2018:
- Citizens’ revolution under way right now in Iran, which has huge implications for Middle East political stability and nuclear conflict.
- Heightened threats against Israel over the USA’s Jerusalem embassy move.
- Very high likelihood of a U.S. military assault on North Korea, which may result in the Norks unleashing artillery and short-range missiles onto South Korea and Japan, crippling shipping ports and manufacturing centers (with huge implications in the U.S. economy).
- The possibility of North Korea launching a large-scale anthrax attack on South Korea, as Natural News recently reported.
- The 2018 mid-term political elections in the USA, with enormous implications for President Trump depending on who controls the House and Senate afterwards. (If the Dems win a majority, they will immediately attempt to impeach Trump, possibly setting off an actual civil war across America.)
- The acceleration of radical left-wing terrorism across America, involving Antifa, By Any Means Necessary, Austin’s Red Guards and other overtly communist groups who are plotting “kill zones” for conservatives, sabotaging trains (like Amtrak) and plotting an armed revolt.
- The ramping up of California’s secession movement to try to separate from the United States, with the Eastern portion of the state possibly engaging in an armed separatist movement to reject Left Coast madness.
- The exploding opioid and heroin epidemics, combined with the continued war on cops as those law enforcement officers desperately attempt to take back the streets from a runaway addiction culture in cities like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Houston and St. Louis.
- The huge political battle surrounding DACA and U.S. border control, with the results of this fight likely determining the very future of this nation. (A nation without borders is not a nation at all.)
- The fight to rein in America’s exploding welfare state, where an entire class of citizens contributes nothing at all to society, living as multi-generational welfare recipients collecting food stamps, rent subsidies and both state and federal payouts funded by money confiscated from the productive members of society.
- The worsening of the legacy media’s fake news fakery, with the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and other outlets now routinely fabricating completely false stories that unravel mere hours after they’re published.
- The worsening national debt under President Trump, where government spending seems to be utterly out of control with no end in sight. Obama more than doubled our total national debt in just eight years… will this fiscal monstrosity continue?
- The possible unveiling of a gold-backed money supply by China, or a government-backed globalist cryptocurrency by the central banks. Either one would be unimaginably disruptive to markets everywhere (many of which are currently running on vapor).
- The increasing likelihood of nuclear terrorism targeting America, either with dirty bombs or nuclear detonations, perhaps staged just offshore (near high population cities and ports).
- The exploding mass mental illness and delusional thinking of Leftists, who have abandoned all science and are now pushing for the complete destruction of meaningful language in the name of “tolerance.”
- The exposing of the deep corruption of the FBI and its complicity with a highly illegal and sinister effort to interfere with the U.S. election by falsely accusing Trump of “collusion with the Russians.” Watch for some current or former FBI agents to go to jail as this unfolds.
- The coming engineered Bitcoin collapse that will crater the cryptocurrency while setting the stage for world governments to ban all “anonymous” cryptos (while rolling out their own trackable cryptos).
- The U.S. Supreme Court battles over Christian beliefs vs. gay couple demands, plus many other decisions on surveillance, gun rights, freedom of speech, warrantless searches and more.
- The worsening of both private and government-run pension funds across the country, as that “day of reckoning” draws ever closer to the day America’s retirees will all realize they’ve been swindled.
- The accelerating financial collapse of Illinois, California, Connecticut and other states that continue to spend their way into financial oblivion.
What’s going to break first? War, finance, politics, pensions, health care or law and order?
In essence, making it through 2018 largely intact becomes a guessing game of trying to figure out which system is going to break first. Although it’s just an educated guess, my sense is that war with North Korea is imminent and highly likely to take place in 2018.
The looming stock market crash, on the other hand, may have been kicked down the road a couple more years by the recent GOP tax cut that slashed corporate tax rates to 21% across the board. This will result in a huge influx of corporate capital that’s currently being offshored, resulting in a very strong domestic expansion of jobs, R&D, manufacturing facilities and small business growth.
Pensions will take several years to fully implode, so I don’t expect a “pension apocalypse” to strike home in 2018. Although some pension programs may begin to crater, this is really a longer term mathematical problem that will really be exposed when the stock market crash comes at some future date.
Political strife, however, seems highly likely to occur in 2018. I’ve even covered rumors of scenarios where “contractor” operators are hired to help quell the outbreak of riots across multiple U.S. cities. There are numerous scenarios that could set this off, including the collapse of the food stamp system, a staged false flag shooting of a minority person, or even Leftists waging an attempted nationwide revolt after losing badly in the 2018 mid-term elections. Some U.S. states (like California) are already nearly in a state of insurrection against the federal government, witnessed by Gov. Brown recently pardoning illegal aliens who committed violent crimes there, in order to prevent the feds from deporting them.

One scenario that I keep hearing a lot about is the possibility that Trump could wage mass arrests of deep state operatives across the bureaucracy. This act — which absolutely needs to be done to save America… and it needs to include Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Peter Strzok — would immediately set off insane outrage on the Left. But Trump likely realizes he has a nation of Second Amendment patriots — i.e. gun owners who will defend the Constitution — to back up any attempt to criminally prosecute deep state operatives who are destroying America. This is one scenario that could quickly escalate to an actual shooting civil war in some areas of the country. (There’s no question that the Clinton / Comey deep state is a dangerous criminal conspiracy that must be brought to an end if America is to survive as a Republic.)
Got your preps ready?
Considering all this, what should you prepare for in terms of prioritizing your preps for 2018 and beyond?
The answer, believe it or not, isn’t anything new:
- Live within your means and don’t live on highly leveraged debt or risky investments.
- Prepare for long-term disruptions in power, food, fuel and basic infrastructure.
- Prepare to defend your life, your family and your property against looters or crazed mobs, and don’t count on police being able to help you.
- Make sure you have cash and barter items on hand that don’t require a working infrastructure to use, potentially including gold and silver coins.
- Get out of the cities! Many will become “death traps” under the wrong circumstances.
- Practice self-reliance as much as possible, including home food production, food preservation, seed saving and homesteading skills.
- Clean and lubricate your firearms. Get some range time and check all your sights and sight batteries. Make sure everything works. Also remember that if you have ammo sitting in loaded magazines for a long period of time, the mag springs will lose their resilience and you’ll have feed failures.
- Have an off-grid way to filter water and boil water. Do you have a gravity water filter? Do you have a wood fueled camp stove? Do you have the tools to start a fire? Don’t skip these essentials.
- Make a point to keep your vehicle(s) fueled up at all times. Don’t get caught with a quarter tank. If you have a safe way to store extra fuel, consider doing so. (I prefer diesel vehicles for this reason, because storing diesel is far safer than storing gasoline.)
- Most of all, maintain a state of mental readiness. Be ready to adapt and overcome. 2018 may bring some extremely difficult circumstances to your door… you will need all your mental faculties working at their best in order to survive the challenges.
That brings in the importance of nutrition for brain performance. If you aren’t feeding your brain right, it’s not going to give you the performance you need when you’re under stress or panic. There are numerous superfoods and nutritional supplements that help protect and enhance cognitive function (such as turmeric). We offer dozens of them — all laboratory verified — at the Health Ranger Store.
Keep reading this website for more coverage of groundbreaking events through 2018 and beyond.
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