Will you hunker down when disaster strikes? Or are you prepared to head to your bug-out location if SHTF?
If you’re not sure which option is best for you, consider bugging in, especially if you have a family to take care of. Realistically speaking, it’s better to bug in since you’re familiar with your location. You can even collaborate with some neighbors and fortify your homes if you have to. (h/t to PreparednessAdvice.com)
10 reasons to bug in
If you work close to home, it’s going to be the safest place for you and your family when SHTF, especially if you take the time to forge strong friendships with your neighbors. With everyone working together, you can keep each other safe during a survival scenario.
- Home is where your stuff is – It makes sense to bug in so you have everything you need within reach. Having to relocate and bug out may suit some people, but it’s better to bug in if you don’t feel comfortable with the thought of having to start all over again with your whole family in tow. Owning property with a bug-out shelter will just add to your list of worries, which isn’t something you need even before SHTF. Focus on hygiene, such as how everyone can stay clean when the water runs out or how to address minor and major injuries.
- It’s easier and cheaper to maintain a single home site – Maintaining a bug-out location will take time and effort, and unless you have the money set aside for a bug-out location, it’s more practical to assess your home and start fortifying it for the inevitable. Stockpile food and water and set aside some prepping gear for everyone in the family.
- It’s safer to bug in if you’re with a group – It’s easier for two people to get BOBs and rush to a shelter out in the woods, but can you say the same for your children and their grandparents? You can’t leave the rest of your family behind, so it’s better to stock up on prepping gear and supplies right at home where you can keep them safe. (Related: Prepping myth exposed: Why bugging out might be a terrible idea.)
- You already know multiple routes for bugging in – Since you’ve already driven through your neighborhood countless times, you’ve probably memorized several routes that can take you home even if you have different entry points. You’ll even know where to make emergency stops if you need to pick up family members from shops or the neighbors.
- You know how to leave and enter your town and neighborhood – Since you’re familiar with your neighborhood, you can leave your home through routes other than paved roads. You can escape by foot or by car if you have to. Try to come up with different ways to escape and familiarize yourself with any hidden paths or alleys in your neighborhood.
- You know who the business owners, church leaders, and community leaders are – Even before disaster strikes, you’re already part of a network of people who can offer “good service, good products, advice, and support.” Your neighbors will be there for you if SHTF, and they might just save your life if you need their help. Be a good neighbor so they know that they can also count on your help if they need it. Everyone needs a support system during a crisis.
- You know your home inside and out – To prepare for a natural disaster, look up the sea level of your house, its distance from the nearest body of water, and try to find out if the bridges in your area could get flooded or submerged. Do you really have the time to familiarize yourself with the factors for a bug-out location?
- You’ll share common interests and beliefs with your neighbors – If most of your neighbors have families like you do, you’ll know that everyone will be on the same page when it comes to being protective of their survival group. Will your bug-out neighbors share the same values?
- You’re already familiar with your neighbors – No matter where you live, chances are you’ll at least know several of your neighbors. If you’re not already friends with most of them, make an effort to at least be civil to everyone so you know who you can turn to if you ever need help. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for any potential threats. If you bug out, who knows if you’ll even have neighbors in the middle of nowhere?
- Your family knows where to go when SHTF – During a survival scenario, it won’t be easy to keep tabs on everyone in the family. This can make it a nightmare if you still have to gather at a bug-out location. But if everyone has to head home, no one will get lost. It can take you an hour or a day, but you know the whole family can make it home in one piece.

Unless your home has become uninhabitable, prepare to bug in so everyone in your family will know where to go and what to do during a survival scenario.
You can read more articles about the benefits of bugging in at Preparedness.news.
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