On the same day that the number of confirmed coronavirus infections in the USA has reached 330 — yes, that’s over three hundred infections in the USA — the State of Florida, which declared a state of emergency, now reports two new deaths from the coronavirus.
This brings the number of deaths in the United States to 17. The virus has now spread to 27 states.
Someone please tell President Trump because he so far seems oblivious to any of these facts.
Two residents have died of coronavirus in Florida, the state’s department of health said late Friday, marking 17 in the country.
The Florida Department of Health announced three new cases, two in Broward County and one in Lee County. Officials said the person in Lee County died.
A second person died from a previously announced case in Santa Rosa County.
The two deaths in Florida are the first on the U.S.’s East Coast. The other 15 deaths were in Washington (14) and California (one).
The “Adams Model” of coronavirus projections had only predicted 13 deaths by March 6th as necessary to put the USA on track for 2.16 million deaths by July 4th if no efforts are made to shut down transportation and social gatherings. The accelerated deaths from the real world — now 17 deaths — means the “Adams Model” is likely too conservative and may need to be adjusted if deaths accelerate in the days ahead.
Here’s a small sample of the projected death count from the Adams Model that puts the USA on track to 2.16 million deaths by July 4th:
March 6: 13 aggregate deaths
March 7: 15
March 8: 18
March 9: 22
March 10: 26
March 11: 30
March 12: 35
March 13: 40
March 14: 47
March 15: 54
March 16: 62
March 17: 71
March 18: 81
March 19: 92
March 20: 104 aggregate deaths
You can see a more detailed list of projected deaths at this link.
The mathematical projection model shows that if no travel restrictions are put in place and the virus is allowed to spread without limits:
– There would be 580 cumulative deaths by April 4th.
– There would be 10,432 cumulative deaths by May 4th.
– There would be 153,000 cumulative deaths by June 4th.
– There would be 2.16 million cumulative deaths by July 4th.
These numbers will hopefully not become reality since government officials will be forced to shut down society to stop the spread, resulting in a strong “suppression” factor that will drastically lower these projections.
The cost of doing that, however, is the shutting down of society (and all the chaos and financial implosions that go with it).
This exponential growth is not understood by anyone, it seems, as people are still lying to themselves and claiming the whole coronavirus pandemic will just “blow over” or that it’s, “no worse than the flu.”
After spreading for the next 4-6 weeks, coronavirus cases will absolutely explode in America. Nobody is ready for that. People are delusional and the government is full of incompetent, dishonest, scientifically illiterate fools who keep telling Americans to avoid preparing.
It’s almost like America is now on a national suicide mission, and anyone who wants to survive is mercilessly mocked and called a “hoarder.”
This will not end well. Mark my words. I’m writing this on March 6th and I can see with incredible clarity exactly where things are headed in America. By June, if nothing is done to shut down transportation in America, there will be millions infected. And by July, there will be millions dead. It will be the end of the Trump administration and possibly even the end of America as we know it.
Anyone stupid enough to believe the government or the lying CDC may quite literally wind up dead, making 2020 the “national IQ test” to sort out the obediently stupid from the independently informed.
Read if you want to live.