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The coronavirus vaccine is the “final solution” depopulation weapon against humanity; globalists hope to convince BILLIONS of people to commit “suicide-via-vaccine”
By Mike Adams // Aug 03, 2020

Now we come to the real mission in the "plandemic," the censorship, the banning of hydroxychloroquine and the silencing of America's Frontline Doctors: It's all about global depopulation via a new vaccine that's designed to mass murder billions of human beings and sharply reduce the population of the human race on planet Earth.


Why else do you think they're making it mandatory while granting the vaccine companies complete legal immunity from all liability? It's because the vaccine is designed to kill human beings, not save them.

Once people start dying, no one can sue the vaccine makers. That's why they needed the legal immunity agreements in place before they launched the vaccine push.

The global depopulation agenda isn't even a secret, by the way. Bill Gates openly talks about using vaccines to reduce the human population, and globalists openly admit they believe that if human populations aren't sharply reduced, the planet's biosphere will collapse due to carbon dioxide emissions, pollution and the frenzied consumption of natural resources.

Whether or not you believe that, they (the globalists) believe it. And they believe they must kill 90% of the human population in order to save the other 10%. Thus, globalists who pursue global depopulation see themselves as heroes of humanity, not mass murderers.

The global warming scam was the first effort to crush the economy and cause mass famine and death, but it failed

Understand that the plandemic isn't the first effort to achieve global depopulation. Globalists first tried to crush human economies using the global warming scam, falsely claiming carbon dioxide was a deadly poison. They rigged all the global temperature numbers and fudged the fake science studies to try to push global warming -- later "climate change" -- to lock down global economies. But their efforts failed. Not enough people bought into the obvious fraud, and their fake science was easily exposed.

The engineering and release of the coronavirus is simply the escalation of the same goal: To shut down global economies, cause mass famine and poverty, followed by an engineered culling of human populations. Where the global warming fraud failed, the COVID-19 "plandemic" succeeded. The lockdowns were weaponized and extended, crushing national economics and leading to what will now be a mass wave of homelessness, destitution, disease, famine, social unrest and possibly even nuclear war.

But the real weapon in all this is the COVID-19 vaccine. Everything else was put in place merely to drive humanity to beg for it. The vaccine won't kill instantly, of course. The first wave of vaccines might even be deliberately made "safe" in order to unleash a wave of positive press and convince skeptics to go all-in and agree to be injected. But by the time the second and third rounds of injections are being shot into people around the world, the vaccines will be sufficiently weaponized to cause autoimmune disorders and mass death upon exposure to a subsequent influenza or coronavirus strain that will be deliberately released into the wild.

Most people will die from a hyperinflammatory immune response. They will drown in the liquid in their own lungs, in other words, and many of those who survive will suffer permanent neurological damage that will make autism look like a walk in the park.

Notably, those who die from the COVID-19 vaccine will include the very "journalists" who attack the whistleblowers who are warning this is coming. Being a Big Pharma whore who works for MSNBC, it turns out, doesn't grant you any special exemption from the vaccines you're pushing. You will suffer and die right alongside everyone else, drowning in the pain and fraud that characterizes the vaccine you've been pushing on others.

One of the inevitable repercussions of the vaccine, in fact, will be that it will kill many of the propagandists who claimed it was safe. We call that "karma."

If you take the vaccine, you might win the Darwin award and get removed from the human gene pool

Ultimately, the COVID-19 vaccine is an IQ test for humanity, and anyone stupid enough to take it is likely to be removed from the human gene pool, exactly as desired by globalists like Bill Gates.

See, even globalists are tired of so many stupid people walking around on this planet, and they've figured out a simple way to eliminate the obedient sheeple: Push a mandatory depopulation vaccine and see how many idiots line up to take it.

Those who take the shot prove they're too stupid to represent the future of the human race. As they die off over the next few years, they take their stupidity to the grave, thereby aiding the future of humanity by removing their own stupidity from it.

The vaccine pushers themselves will be among those to "self-cull" and die, which is exactly the outcome they are bringing upon themselves. This will be the ultimate irony of vaccine lies: Those who push the lies will ultimately kill themselves with the very thing they claimed was perfectly safe.

When pushers of medical violence end up killing themselves with their own toxic medicine, it's actually a special kind of cosmic justice at work, by the way. We should not interfere with their desire to commit suicide by vaccine.

The key is to make sure they don't take you with them. After all, most of the pro-vaccine zealots are demonic mass murderers who also enjoy chopping up living human babies via post-birth abortions. They've probably already killed some of their own offspring, come to think of it, and they seek to destroy as many lives as possible before they self-destruct.

As is now obvious with the anti-police efforts of the radical Left, Democrats and "progressives" are now all-in with support for mass murder, rapes, arson, felony assaults, violent mobs, riots and mayhem. There isn't a criminal act they don't embrace, including pedophilia and the trafficking of baby body parts. These are the same people pushing vaccine mandates, of course, which tells you everything you need to know about vaccines.

The real answer in all this is to let the lunatic Leftists take all the vaccines they want. When the enemy is in the process of destroying itself, try not to get in the way. If they murder their own children with vaccines, that's not much different from the fact that they routinely murder their own children with abortions, it turns out. They are murderers and baby body parts harvesters. At least with the coronavirus vaccine, we might be fortunate enough to see them murder themselves.

How they will try to force you to take the coronavirus vaccine

Naturally, every element of society will try to force you to take the vaccine injection so that the maximum genocide effect can be achieved by the globalists. They will tell you you're not allowed to go to work without the vaccine, or they'll deny you access to air travel privileges unless you can produce a "vaccine passport" of some kind.

You might be denied access to retail stores, and local CPS kidnappers might threaten to take your children away if you don't get them vaccinated, too.

Full-blown medical tyranny and police state violence will be deployed against "anti-vaxxers," and they will be blamed for all future COVID-19 deaths. Speaking out against vaccines will become a criminal act, and you will be deplatformed from every social media platform, video site and search engine unless you agree to comply with the pro-vaccine propaganda.

They will make you pay a huge price for refusing the vaccine. You will be made to suffer.

But that's because the global genocide plan requires obedience. They have to convince people to consent to suicide-by-vaccine in order to make it work. If the sheeple wake up and start to mount any real resistance, there aren't enough police forces or military forces in any society to round up all the masses and overtly kill them like the Nazis did.

No, this Holocaust will be carried out with the consent of those being mass murdered. And if you refuse to grant them consent to murder you with a deadly vaccine, they will make your life a living hell.

Or you could believe the fairy tale delusion that claims Big Pharma loves you and only wants to help humanity, while Bill Gates loves all the little black babies in the world

If all this sounds like a bit too much for you to swallow, you could of course revert to the "official" fairy tale that claims Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers love humanity and only want to help save lives, and that Bill Gates and other globalists want to protect all the little black babies in the world, and that abortion is an act of motherly love, and that violent left-wing riots are a "peaceful spiritual movement," and so on.

If you smoke enough crack, you might even convince yourself that the coronavirus vaccines will magically be perfectly safe, even without adequate long-term safety testing. With enough drugs in your system, you could even tell yourself that Big Pharma cares about you personally, and their only goal is to help end human suffering, which is why they all conspired to ban any speech about hydroxychloroquine, somehow.

But those who are lucid and awake know better. Big Pharma has zero interest in helping anyone other than their own shareholders. Vaccines are largely quack science, and almost none of them have ever been subjected to rigorous long-term clinical trials. The mad rush to market, combined with total legal immunity from all liability, is a perfect storm of mass vaccine injuries that will be desperately covered up by the complicit media and evil, treacherous tech giants who are all-in with Big Pharma's crimes against humanity.

If you decide to take the coronavirus vaccine, you are doing exactly what the globalists want you to do: Engaging in medical suicide to remove yourself from planet Earth, surrendering the future of human civilization to the globalist elite who have known all along that the plandemic, the shutdowns and the vaccines were all part of a plan to exterminate billions of human beings.

Have no doubt that Bill Gates won't be taking the same vaccine you're taking. His vaccine will be formulated to actually work (and not kill the patient). Your vaccine, on the other hand, is really just a kind of euthanasia shot disguised as a vaccine.

So when the day comes that the first coronavirus vaccine is available to the public, drive by the long waiting lines and watch in awe as people line up to be exterminated en masse. You are watching the vaccine Holocaust play out in real time, but without all the gas chambers and government soldiers. Now, it seems, the globalists have figured out a way to get people to kill themselves with consent.

No resistance. No uprising. No "war." Just billions of human beings slipping quietly into death, while praising the rising value of their Big Pharma stock portfolios as they take their last breath and slide into death, oblivious to the fact that their "saviors" were actually their executioners.

Mission accomplished, Bill Gates, you clever little anti-human bastard.

Read VaccineWars.com to stay informed.

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