To the people recently getting banned on YouTube, it was people like Alex Jones and myself who got banned first, nearly 10 years ago, and we warned you this was coming. Unfortunately, many people thought, "Well I'm not Alex Jones, they won't ban me." YOU WERE WRONG. They will ban you whenever it is politically convenient for them to do so. This is why you should never build your audience on a platform controlled by the globalist / satanist cabal. Build your audiences on platforms like Rumble, Brighteon, Telegram, Gab, Bastyon and other relatively decentralized platforms. Stop crying donkey balls about your YT ban and get to work building audiences where freedom exists. Yes, your entire revenue model just got wiped out on YT. You just learned a very expensive but very valuable lesson: NEVER tie your income to the permissions of the globalist cabal.
WARNING to all African nations: Just like the science advisor to the Nixon administration (Lee DuBridge, see link below) wanted to export food to Africa laced with infertility and depopulation chemicals (admitted by NY Times in 1969), the western VACCINES being pushed on your nations are depopulation / ethnical cleansing kill shots. The West is an imperialist predatory medicine regime that disguises genocide as immunization, and seeks the total extermination of your kind. In America, ABORTION centers are used to exterminate blacks. In Africa, VACCINES are the weapon of choice. If you want your children to live in abundance and prosperity, for future generations to come, REJECT western vaccines and medical experiments on your population.
After 24 years as a food and nutrition journalist, published laboratory scientist, food manufacturer, Food Forensics book author, detox patent holder and publisher of Natural News, I have come to the irrefutable conclusion that the FDA, CDC, USDA and EPA are literally trying to kill off as many Americans as possible. They are not interested in protecting public HEALTH; they are focused on achieving public DEATH. This realization is slowly coming to light, as people like RFK Jr. and Rep. Massie fully grasp the real agenda behind government regulators. To say they have been "weaponized" against the American people is an understatement. They are deliberately, meticulously, with sinister intentions, plotting the extermination of the American people with an assault of toxic foods, toxic prescription medications, toxic pesticides and deadly vaccines. They are at war with humanity, and they will use their power in every possible way to poison as many Americans as possible while calling it "public health." Soon, they will demand the mass injection of children with reptile venom peptides, from which GLP-1 weight loss drugs are synthesized. These same children will be fed toxic, processed foodstuffs, mass medicated with psychiatric drugs, saturated with toxic chemicals in personal care products, and heavily dosed with gender-bender herbicide chemicals like atrazine. Recognize this is a WAR against humanity, and protect your children if you want humanity to have any future at all.