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California doctor pushes back against “medical misinformation bill”
By Ethan Huff // Jun 06, 2022

Dr. Syed Haider is not happy about a newly proposed bill in California that stands to criminalize physicians for administering "unapproved" Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) remedies to their patients.


Assembly Bill 2098, as we reported, would prohibit doctors from giving any medical advice or treatment that the state decides is off limits.

Also known as the "medical misinformation bill," AB 2098 would criminalize any criticism of "vaccines," as well as "alternative" treatments for the Fauci Flu such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin.

"Like a lot of other doctors around the world, I've just been trying to raise awareness of this," Haider says, noting that he has personally chosen to retain a lawyer because of all this.

"But, like a lot of doctors in America, I've gotten letters from the American Medical Association, the Federal State Medical Board warning me that my license is at risk if I speak out about vaccines or if I spread misinformation or if I prescribe ivermectin."

Since the beginning of the plandemic, Haider says, dissenting voices like his own have been silenced. Science and medicine are always changing, and enshrining a one-size-fits-all format for both at the state level amounts to medical tyranny.

"In any scientific field or endeavor, there is no absolute truth," Haider adds. "Dr. Fauci is not the science, like he claims to be."

"He does not have the last word on what scientific truth is. We're always getting closer to the truth, but we have never arrived at a final truth in medicine. So, there always has to be room for debate."

Health freedom must be preserved at all costs

California is hardly the only state where such tyranny is taking place. Even if it is not enshrined in state law, saying anything "negative" about covid injections in any kind of health or medical setting almost everywhere in the country is considered to be "misinformation" or "disinformation."

"To say there are any risks associated with the vaccines is claimed to be misinformation or disinformation, and the working definition of misinformation or disinformation seems to be anything that would prevent someone from submitting to or doubting the FDA and CDC guidelines and recommendations," Haider laments.

The good news is that Haider is not alone in the fight, but that fight could always use more fighters. Many of our own readers have joined the fight, and we encourage anyone still on the sidelines to write their representatives to demand that health freedom be preserved and protected at all costs.

"When government forces and conspires with doctors to harm people, you can be certain Satan is in charge," wrote someone at Natural News about the situation. "Is this why fools emptied prisons in California, to fill cells with doctors?"

"First do no harm to anyone innocent, still do love thy neighbor, unless thy neighbor is a legislator who voted to harm doctors and patients of doctors (hint, all of us)."

This same commenter went on to encourage people to pray and resist this encroaching tyranny "by any means necessary."

"Stock up on foods, water, water purification, medicines, firearms and ammo," this person added. "If enough RESIST, government must act and that is the time for action, kinetic action along with like-minded people."

"I beg of all to investigate and consider this: The leaders in this nation are out to harm us. They are giving us off to Great Reset and forced vaccinations. They are weakening our military fighting ability and preparing for eventual invasion by China and Russia."

Another wrote that if AB 2098 passes, "we will see a culling like never before."

If keeping up with the latest news about the fight for health freedom interests you, be sure to check out HealthFreedom.news.

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