However, something very interesting happened during the lockdown when children couldn’t get their routine shots: childhood mortality actually went down.
Data from the first few months of the pandemic appears to confirm a link, with the death rate dropping in American children precisely when everything was shut down. In fact, deaths in children went down by a remarkable 30 percent, going from an average of 700 deaths per week to less than 500 in April and May of 2020.
Part of this may be attributed to a drop in SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Although there is no official cause of SIDS, childhood vaccines are suspected of playing a role. Indeed, Australian researcher Viera Scheibner noted, using the term “cot death” to refer to SIDS, “Vaccination is undoubtedly the single biggest and most preventable cause of cot-death…”
It’s also unlikely to be a coincidence that the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rate among all developed First World countries – and it gives children the highest number of vaccine doses in the world prior to their first birthday at 26; Canada falls just behind with 24. If vaccines prevent deaths, why are so many kids here dying?
It’s not just deaths that are being pinned on childhood vaccines; they’ve also been linked to everything from autism to Type 1 diabetes and even ear infections.
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For example, studies by the University of Maryland’s Dr. John Classen have shown that the likelihood of developing Type 1 diabetes rises with more vaccinations, while Dr. Paul Thomas found that 10 percent of people in the vaccinated population become diabetic; the figure in the unvaccinated population was zero.
The latter statistic was presented by Dr. Thomas at a presentation for Vaccine Choice Canada, where he shared a study comparing the incidence of chronic diseases among all age groups among the vaccinated population to the unvaccinated population in the U.S. Unvaccinated children fared much better than those who had been vaccinated in nearly every category.
Heart disease and heart disorders is one example; the percentage of people in the vaccinated population who experience some problem in the category was 48 percent. The figure in the unvaccinated population, however, was zero. A similar trend was observed for arthritis, with 16.67 percent of vaccinated people developing it and no one who was unvaccinated developing it.
When it comes to ear infections, children who have been vaccinated have a 90 percent likelihood of experiencing one, while unvaccinated children have just a 0.1 percent chance of it.
Where does this end? The number of vaccine doses given to children has been rising, and given the huge profits vaccine makers earned from their Covid jabs, it’s likely that the push for more new vaccines will continue.
Another thing we learned from the pandemic is that doctors like the researchers cited above who try to warn people about the dangers associated with vaccines will likely be silenced, and many others will never speak out in the first place out of fear of losing their livelihood and reputation. This means that children will likely continue to be subjected to a dangerous load of vaccines while their bodies are still forming for many years to come. What will it take for things to change?
California family physician Dr. Collin Lynn said: “It’s definitely possible that we’re at a tipping point where we’re giving too many vaccines. Sometimes I wonder if in the future we’ll look back at the 2000s and say, 'What were we thinking? Why were we giving so many vaccines?'”
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