The uproar began in January of this year when parents discovered that an "identity inventory" had been distributed to fifth-grade students at St. Paul's School for Boys, InfoWars reported. The tuition at this elite private school ranges from $32,000 for lower school to $38,000 for upper school per year. (Related: Minnesota’s new “gender identity” law strips Christian schools, churches of exemption from hiring LGBTs.)
According to a parent who spoke with Crisis in the Classroom (CITC), the survey covers various topics such as gender identities, sexual orientations, religious beliefs and the "cognitive" abilities of students. One question prompts students to identify as "cisgender," "transgender," "gender non-conforming" or "agender," with the latter defined as "someone who does not identify with a gender." Meanwhile, another question addresses cognitive abilities, asking students to choose between "able," "average" or "learning difference."
At the top of the survey, instructions specify that students can select more than one identity per category. Students are also encouraged to omit any category they feel uncomfortable discussing.
More recently, the controversy has deepened with the revelation of an "Independent School Health Check" survey administered to young girls. The survey, conducted by Indiana University's Center for Survey Research, asked students' gender identity and self-description.
But the surveys did not sit well with parents. Some compared the forms to the data mining practices employed by tech giants like Google.
Others, meanwhile, lamented that private schools are being preoccupied with "wokeism" over academic excellence. These have prompted some parents to seek out alternatives such as homeschooling or establishing "non-woke" schools that prioritize traditional learning over "toxic gender nonsense."
Despite parental outcry, the school administration continues to resist the issue. Making things worse are reports of punitive measures against the students of parents who spoke out on social media platforms.
"The school hushed up several parents, making an example out of at least one. The parent's [children] were suspended then reinstated after the parent spoke out on social media about wokeism being injected into the curriculum."
A former official of the Department of Education (ED) sided with the parents on the issue, questioning the Maryland private school for its infringement of "deeply personal" information through the survey forms.
"Why does anyone in a school need to know about a child's gender identity or sexuality? It just seems totally unnecessary and really invasive," said Angela Morabito, spokeswoman for the Defense of Freedom Institute (DFI). She previously served as the ED's press secretary in both the Biden and Trump administrations.
According to CITC, the parent who disclosed the survey said families weren't informed about the questions in advance. Thus, Morabito stressed that while certain parents might endorse the content of the survey, St. Paul's should not presume universal comfort with it.
The DFI spokeswoman ultimately remarked: "Parents deserve to know what's going on inside their school during the day. If they don't want their child being asked to answer those very deeply personal questions, parents should have a say and be able to put a stop to it."
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