However, there's a new, big problem with all that now. Fake science is being discredited right and left, including "peer reviewed" papers being retracted by the thousands, and junk-science journals getting shut down for fraud and misinformation.
Sounds like all the "anti-science" folks were right when they declared that the science and medical communities were wrong whenever they claimed the "science is settled" regarding vaccines being safe, or global warming being a thing. Just spewing out the words "science-backed" or "evidence-based" doesn't mean a whole lot anymore, especially when the "researchers" are paid big bucks by Big Pharma to warp data, skew statistics, alter results and "conclude" whatever fits the funding narratives.
For over 200 years, the old Wiley science publisher has been spewing out "peer reviewed" papers that were fraudulent or even completely fake, while scientists and doctors all relied on them being the holy grail of Western Medicine. Oops. Got some gobbledygook papers you want to refer to for all those "science-backed" talking points?
This is not some flash-in-the-pan scam, or little Ponzi scheme somebody cooked up. We are talking about a monolithic multi-billion-dollar industry based on lies and deception, and funded by the most corrupt people and organizations on the planet. Big government and Big Pharma colluded long ago, and it's no conspiracy theory. The top of the monstrous glacier has been exposed, as John Wiley and Sons' 2 billion dollar machine is busted laundering fake science at the expense of billions of people's health and safety, over decades, even centuries.
For decades, Big Pharma had to pay corrupt scientists and researchers to not only produce fake conclusions about their experiments, but never blow the whistle on it all. Thousands of "science-backed" and "evidence-based" papers were written, stamped official, published in prestigious medical journals, and cited by doctors, scientists and journalists alike as the most credible sources on the planet. It was just the opposite, come to find out.
Natural health enthusiasts and advocates across the globe are celebrating the triumph, that the truth has finally come out, as the fake science of "peer reviews" gets dismantled, trashed and discredited. Now Big Pharma and Big Tech are combining forces to use AI to create new swaths of fake science papers to support their fake narratives about vaccine safety and effectiveness, or prescription drug research, or global warming alarmism, or gender fluidity and other lunatic-cultist conspiracy theories.
It's true. The mega-publisher of "science-based" articles and "peer-reviewed" research has confessed that nearly two dozen top scientific journals are completely WORTHLESS and have been shut down due to fraud. They have decided to use AI technology to identify AI-created fake science research. That sounds like it should work out really well.
This means thousands of retractions of so-called "fact-based" and "science-backed" research, and that scholarly articles are useless, and the millions of dollars illegally accepted by the "scientists" and "doctors" who conducted that research (or just faked it with AI) is down the toilet. Gone. Wasted. Will anyone go to prison for this? Highly doubtful.
Many other journals are following suit now. This is large-scale fraud and could end up having a domino effect, where studies that cited THOSE fake studies are all discredited, and the circle just keeps going round and round. It's like lawyers and prosecutors citing a FAKE court case to get a conviction and win a trial. Maybe every peer-reviewed paper should be tossed in the garbage and begin this whole thing again. Let's take a vote.
The credibility of the whole "science community" is already in the gutter thanks to the deadly Covid clot shots and the hallucinatory global warming cult. Millions of humans are either dead or dying now from vascular clots and autoimmune dysfunction caused directly by the Fauci Flu shots that he said were "safe and effective" when he commanded everyone to "follow the science." He should have said, "follow the fake AI science to your own early grave."
Among over 130 million published scientific papers, there are now massive red flags to look out for, including cut-n-pasted entire paragraphs and what is termed "tortured phrases." This means many works are now plagiarized, or altered by AI substituting key scientific terms with synonyms that can change everything, including how doctors might end up diagnosing their patients, or vaccine manufacturers believing a jab is notably "safe" and mostly "effective" when it's actually far from safe and hardly effective, like the Covid-19 gene mutation injections.
Artificial intelligence has led to a tidal wave of counterfeit science, imposter law and sham medicine. Peer review now simply means check for massive AI errors and omissions, and even entirely faked papers. Plus, any software guru or algorithm expert can program AI to specifically replace key scientific or medical terms with other terms to satisfy their funding "agents" (Big Pharma and Big Government), so they can continue to get million-dollar and billion-dollar grants, funding, spiffs and bonus checks, like Mr. Anthony "Mengele" Fauci shells out right and left for "novel" diseases with gain of function that are quickly followed by population-reducing clot shots.
Bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news about FAKE SCIENCE used to try to convince you to take extremely dangerous and dirty mRNA vaccines that can end your life early.
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