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Comey knew! CIA told fired FBI director and Peter Strzok of Hillary plan to hatch the Trump-Russia collusion hoax
By JD Heyes // Oct 15, 2020

In late September, fired FBI Director James Comey appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee as part of its effort to get to the bottom of the bureau’s so-called ‘Russian collusion’ investigation.


Under questioning from the committee chairman, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Comey said he couldn’t recall being told by the CIA in 2016 about a scheme cooked up by the campaign of Hillary Clinton to saddle the rival campaign of GOP nominee Donald Trump with the collusion narrative.

But, as The Wall Street Journal notes: 

The origins of the 2016 FBI investigation into the Trump presidential campaign are slowly unspooling, and the latest revelation is a stunner. The CIA warned the FBI that the Hillary Clinton campaign might be ginning up accusations of Trump collusion with Russia, but James Comey’s bureau ignored it.

The revelation is part of CIA documents provided to Graham by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, on President Trump’s authority, ahead of Comey’s testimony. The damning document is a three-page Sept. 7, 2016 CIA memo to Comey “for background, investigative action, or lead purposes.”

Recall as well that the FBI was warned around the same time that the goofball former British spy Christopher Steele, the guy who came up with the fake ‘dossier’ of bogus claims against Trump, was also on the Clinton payroll. 

But Comey…he doesn’t know from nothing. 

“There is no evidence the FBI heeded the warning, and Mr. Comey told the Senate last week he didn’t recall the CIA memo,” the WSJ Editorial Board noted further.

“This is hard to credit given that the memo claims it was provided in response to an ‘FBI verbal request.’ It’s even harder to credit from a director who at the time was managing the Clinton email investigation and exoneration,” the paper added.

‘Hard to credit’ translated means, ‘Comey was obviously lying his you-know-what off.

Of course he knew. And he didn’t do anything because he was apparently working with the Clinton campaign against Trump — to keep the billionaire businessman out of the White House at all costs. 

The memo from the CIA was sent two months after Comey stood at a bizarre press conference around Independence Day and laid out all of the criminal activity involving Clinton’s mishandling of classified emails and then said, essentially, that she didn’t mean to do it, therefore no charges were going to be recommended. 

“The new disclosures show an FBI determined to investigate the Trump campaign no matter the number of red flags,” notes the Editorial Board. 

“The bureau plowed ahead despite a U.S. intelligence alert of potential Clinton-campaign meddling; despite warnings from foreign intelligence and domestic actors about Mr. Steele’s credibility; and despite knowing the FBI had previously investigated the main source for the dossier as a suspected Russian agent. This is either incompetence or willful bias,” it added.

We think we know the answer to that.

Look, the biggest problem with all of the disclosures coming out of the Trump administration — including this one — in recent weeks is that there are no accompanying charges to go along with them.

Comey testified under oath, and it certainly appears that, based solely on the CIA memo to him, he was not honest with the Senate Judiciary Committee. 

That’s perjury, and it’s legally actionable — and far worse than anything Michael Flynn is still alleged to have done.

The problem with disclosures that don’t bring any charges and do not hold people accountable makes it far more likely that Democrats will do something like this again in the future, if they’re not already plotting to do so.

By comparison, there were 69 people linked to GOP President Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal; 48 were convicted, and many of them were top officials. 

So far, a lowly FBI lawyer who fudged some paperwork is the only legal casualty of the Russian collusion hoax.

What a disgrace.

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