(Article republished from FreeWestMedia.com)
The extremely well-financed and influential globalist think tank Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), the Institute works with influence campaigns directed at the populations of Europe and is paid for by these populations’ own authorities as well as globalists such as Bill Gates and George Soros.
One of the ISD’s focus areas is to monitor those who question or contradict the establishment climate narrative that there is global warming due to man-made carbon dioxide emissions. On June 9, the ISD published a 115-page report entitled Deny, Deceive, Delay: Documenting and Responding to Climate Disinformation at COP26 & Beyond.
COP26 (Climate Change Conference 26) was the United Nations climate change conference that took place last year between October 31 and November 13 in Glasgow, United Kingdom. At least 120 world leaders and over 40,000 registered participants, including 22 274 party representatives, 14 124 observers and 3 886 media representatives flew there to discuss how people could be made to emit less carbon dioxide.
MICHAEL SHELLENBERGER is an American author and democratic politician, including a gubernatorial candidate in California. He has been named “Hero of the Environment” by the news magazine Time and is a winner of the Green Book Award. Shellenberger has been called by the establishment “environmental guru”, “climate guru” and “North America’s leading public intellectual on clean energy” and “high priest” of the environmental movement. After he changed his mind, he is now singled out as one of six people that the globalists especially emphasize as a threat to their climate narrative, not least because he comes from their own ranks. Photo: Michael Shellenberger
The climate conference was held at a time when many governments around the world had far-reaching travel restrictions that made it almost impossible because of forced medical experiments, to allow the public to fly or otherwise travel.
The ISD’s report is interesting insofar as it partly shows who it sees as its main opponents and how these are monitored, and partly also that it practically admits that the globalists’ and climate alarmists’ scaremongering about global warming has failed.
The ISD, their contributors and their report from June revealed some interesting facts.
The report begins with a glossary where various keywords are defined. The first three are “Anti-vaxx/Anti-vaccine/Vaccine skeptics”, “Climate denial” and “Climate skepticism”, which much of the report revolves around. “Far left”, which is one of the words, is described as underdeveloped. Supposedly, extreme left “groups in contemporary Western societies are much less developed than those surrounding the extreme right”. The extreme right is described as having “the following characteristics: Nationalism, racism, xenophobia, anti-democracy and advocates a strong state or authoritarianism”.
On ISD’s website, where the report is available for download, we can read what the purpose of the report is and how it was done:
In the executive summary, we describe the most salient discourses identified before, during and after COP26. These stories show how the climate conversation has moved from outright climate denial to delay and distraction from action. These narratives infiltrate the public debate, positions for climate action are anchored in a broader individual identity and politics of grievance, [which] are emerging as a new front in the culture war. This report is a collective effort to quantify the problem and create concrete answers in the coming months and years. Created by ISD, CASM Technology and the Climate Action Against Disinformation Alliance (CAAD), it is a data-driven examination of the landscape, actors, systems and approaches that combine to prevent climate action.
PETER IMANUELSEN was born in 1994 in Norway and currently lives in North Yorkshire, Great Britain. He lived in Sweden during the years 1996-1999 before the family moved to the USA. They returned in 2002, but left again in 2004 according to the family (formally in 2009 according to the Tax Agency). Sweden’s very negative attitude towards home schooling and later ban in 2010 is said to be the reason why the family left Sweden. Imanuelsen describes himself as a Swedish freelance journalist, but has British citizenship, which is less known. Today, he is singled out by the globalists as a dangerous and frequent “criminal” and a “super-spreader” of errors and misinformation. His Twitter account PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) has 335 800 followers at the time of writing. Photo: Peter Sweden
Thus any proper scientific debate about the climate is viewed as a “culture war”. Contributors to ISD’s report were the Center for Analysis of Social Media Technology, Conscious Advertising Network (CAN), Climate Nexus, Eco-Bot.Net, Friends of the Earth, Purpose, Stop Funding Heat and an organization with the telling name of Reset Australia. Special recognition goes to individuals Paula Matlach, Kata Balint, Cecile Simmons, Sara Bundzten, and Melanie Smith for their efforts in ISD’s Climate War Room.
Critics have wondered why they need a “war room” to defend their claims about climate change. Some have argued that the truth stands on its own two feet, while the lie must be protected by propaganda and legislation.
The summary of the ISD’s report consists of 16 pages and states with ill-concealed frustration that what they consider to be “misinformation” and “disinformation” on social media in every way surpasses what they call “verified content”, i.e. the opinions offered. Even worse from their point of view is that this happens even when the tightly held and censored platforms of the tech giants work to promote the fake climate narrative of the globalists. In short, the ISD can be said to have conceded defeat in the establishment’s propaganda war against the populations of Europe.
ISD writes how they go about measuring the impact on the internet and who they consider a threat to their climate narrative, and that they admit that these opponents, despite a rigged game plan, have defeated them. We can read that “From October 31 – November 12, 2021, ISD tracked posts produced by Facebook’s Climate Science Center [official climate science center] and attempted to compare these against accounts that have registered as climate skeptics, such as Breitbart London, Spiked Online, Net Zero Watch, GB News and the Heartland Institute.
The report then identifies several of the dissenting voices they call “super-spreaders” of climate misinformation, acknowledging that they often come from scientific or academic backgrounds. We read that “Network analysis by Graphika [analytics company that uses AI to monitor online activity] of 16 accounts ‘super-spreaders’ of climate misinformation on Twitter revealed 13 subgroups, largely converged around anti-science and conspiracy communities in key countries (US , UK, Canada). Many influencers [opinion makers] in this space usually come from scientific or academic backgrounds and some were previously involved in the green [environmental] movement. From 25 October to 21 November 2021, tweets and quote-tweets from the 16 accounts mentioned above garnered a total of 507 000 likes and retweets (‘interactions’) on the climate narrative alone. This includes individuals such as Michael Shellenberger, John Stossel, Björn Lomborg and Patrick Moore”.
The globalist think tank thus admits that those they call “anti-scientific” and conspiratorial are not only scientists themselves, but also from the green movement that the globalists created to advance their agenda. That is, the people who once trumpeted the globalists’ narrative and then realized for various reasons that it was wrong. Generally speaking, it usually takes a lot for a political activist, for the few who get involved at such a level, to choose to change sides.
One of these is none other than Greenpeace icon and co-founder Patrick Moore. In a startling interview last November, Moore decimated the establishment’s climate narrative on alleged global warming. He explained how he left Greenpeace when he felt that the globalist-controlled environmental movement had “abandoned science and logic in favor of emotion and sensationalism”. He alleged that supposed science and unverifiable claims were being used to deceive the public that there was a “looming climate catastrophe”. The former climate activist unequivocally declared: “The last thing we need to worry about is the world getting too warm” and that “It’s obvious that’s not true”. His words that must have alarmed top level globalists.
Already in the report’s table of contents, six names are listed in alphabetical order, which are considered extra troublesome, and which are then reviewed on the following eight pages. The first is, interestingly enough, the Swedish freelance journalist and blogger Peter Imanuelsen who writes and tweets under the pseudonym “Peter Sweden”.
ISD described the Swede as a representative of a counter-movement against the globalists’ broader agenda and already in the first paragraph the report tries to vilify him.
On page 65, four of Imanuelsen’s allegedly malicious tweets are reproduced, one of which, dated November 4, 2021, reads as follows: “I am more concerned about global tyranny than global warming. Tyranny is happening right now before our eyes.”
About Imanuelsen, the ISD whines that “the repeated framing of climate action as ‘communism’ or ‘global tyranny’ may also prove an underlying subtle anti-Semitism, to tie into recent conspiracies such as The Great Reset that play on making ‘Jewish elites ‘ to scapegoats”.
The infamous book and globalist manual, COVID-19: The Great Reset, is curiously described in the report as a “conspiracy”, despite the fact that it was written by none other than Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the powerful globalist organization World Economic Forum.
The globalists are also upset that “Peter Sweden” is retweeted by several famous people. They mention, among others, Thierry Baudet, party leader of the Dutch Forum for Democracy, Martin Daubney, deputy party leader of the British Reclaim Party, Monica Crowley, former US deputy finance minister, and Australian senator Malcolm Roberts.
Imanuelsen responded to the claims on his blog on June 17. He noted that “the report is being made to …/ press Big Tech to carry out even more censorship of dissidents”. He added: “The fact that the climate fanatics are trying so hard to try to censor and deplatform me for my views only proves my point that they are communists. If you want to censor people’s free speech, you are a communist and promote dictatorship – not democracy.”
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