RFK Jr. to name his running mate “fairly soon”
By Laura Harris // Dec 19, 2023

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) has announced that he will name his running mate "fairly soon."

"I'm looking for somebody who is aligned with me on some important issues, including unraveling the warfare state. I don't need someone who agrees with me on everything; I'm interested in someone who wants to end the division we face in this country," he told reporters. "It's a good exercise for the American people to see political leaders who have high regard for each other, even if they don't have the same views on every issue."

Independent and third-party candidates such as RFK Jr. must name their vice presidential choice in over half of the states and collect signatures to meet the stringent requirements for appearing on the ballots of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. He needs at least 2,500 valid signatures from registered Nebraska voters, 10,000 from Missouri, 5,000 from Kansas, around 200,000 in California, 145,000 in Florida, and over 110,000 in Texas. Tennessee, in contrast, needs only 275 signatures.

However, each state has different guidelines and deadlines. For instance, North Carolina and Texas demand filings by mid-May, while several others have summer deadlines.

According to RFK Jr.'s press secretary Stefanie Spear, their campaign has strategically categorized states based on ballot access guidelines, factoring in the necessity of naming a running mate and specific petitioning deadlines. Spear assured that a strong ballot-access team is in place and that they are confident RFK Jr. will secure the necessary 270 electoral votes to win the 2024 presidential elections.

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The founder of Children's Health Defense has discussed his campaign, answered questions, taken selfies and urged people to sign petitions in support of him during voter rallies. He has also touched on the challenges of collecting signatures, something former President Donald Trump and incumbent President Joe Biden didn't face. Unlike most independent candidates who spend millions on companies to gather signatures, RFK Jr. relies on thousands of volunteers across every state.

"I need an army and you're it," RFK Jr. told the hundreds of attendees at Lincoln, Nebraska and Kansas City, Missouri.

RFK Jr.'s super-PAC willing to invest $15M to put him on the ballot

However, Democrats and Republicans are seeking to keep RFK Jr. off the ballot – with established processes to contest signatures after submission to election offices in multiple states. But American Values 2024 (AV2024), a super political action committee (super-PAC) supporting the independent candidate, is ready. (Related: RFK Jr. claims DNC is RIGGING presidential primaries to favor Biden.)

According to Reuters, AV2024 plans to invest up to $15 million to secure his ballot access in 10 key states. These states include Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Nevada, New York and Texas.

"We have chosen to pursue these critical states, some of them battlegrounds, due to the complexity of the state election codes and the volume of signatures necessary to achieve ballot access," said Deirdre Golffard, AV2024's spokeswoman and special counsel for ballot access. She added that the super-PAC would deploy resources to manually collect signatures in these states.

AV2024 co-founder Tony Lyons also mentioned that the organization would address potential legal challenges. "We are prepared for inevitable attacks from both sides of the aisle," he said. "They will work overtime in a futile attempt to keep [RFK Jr.] off both the ballot and the debate stage."

Listen to this conversation between RFK Jr. and the Health Ranger Mike Adams on different topics, free speech being one of them.

This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.com.

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