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After the GENOCIDE: Will there be enough VACCINE SURVIVORS to rebuild civilization?
By Mike Adams // Sep 17, 2021

The vaccine holocaust is now beginning to produce mass casualties around the world, with post-vaccine deaths skyrocketing across America and many other nations. Recent VAERS data reveal 70 deaths per day among vaccinated Americans, and reliable projections of the VAERS reporting require us to multiply this by around 40 to achieve real-world numbers. This puts the daily deaths from vaccines at 2,800 in the United States alone.


The world population currently stands at 7.9 billion people (Worldometers.info).

Nearly 43% of the world population has received at least one dose of a covid-19 vaccine. (OurWorldInData.org)

This means nearly 3.4 billion people have been vaccinated to date.

Are these vaccines now killing millions around the world? Beyond merely hypothetical, a steady stream of doctors, nurses and health experts are reporting large numbers of post-vaccine deaths that are primarily taking place in hospitals. Examples:

Hospitals are now being labeled the "killing fields" of the plandemic, with hospital doctors, nurses and administrators openly conspiring to mass murder those who are unvaccinated while covering up the deaths of those who took the jab:

Hospitals are now widely known to be covering up vaccine deaths in order to hide the number of fatalities for as long as possible. This is taking place alongside publicly admitted hospital efforts to "scare the public" by faking the number of hospitalized people "with covid."

Despite the best efforts of the criminal hospitals and treasonous Biden regime to cover up the vaccine holocaust now taking place, vaccine deaths are skyrocketing:

And certain types of cancers in women are increasing by 2000% among the vaccinated:

Meanwhile, the nation of Israel -- with an 80%+ vaccination rate -- is experiencing such high levels of new infections, hospitalizations and deaths that it now stands as a glaring example of vaccine failure.

Similarly, the most vaccinated state in the USA -- Vermont, with an 88% vax rate -- is seeing a record surge in covid cases:


Everywhere that vaccine uptake rates are the highest, covid "cases," hospitalizations and deaths soon follow. It's abundantly obvious that the vaccine is the pandemic, and the spike protein inserted into the vaccines is what's causing the injuries and deaths.

How many will die globally before this crime against humanity is halted?

With 3.4 billion people already vaccinated around the world, the obvious question becomes, "How many will die from the long-term effects of the depopulation shots?"

Remember, these "vaccines" are designed to achieve global depopulation. They do so through a variety of biological mechanisms:

  • Killing people with blood clots and heart attacks (vascular effects).
  • Killing people with increased rates of cancer and autoimmune disorders.
  • Aborting babies and causing long-term infertility.
  • Shedding spike protein toxic nanoparticles to others, causing sickness and death even among those who did not take the jabs.
  • Attacking the nervous system and causing cognitive impairment.

Medical experts who have studied these effects currently estimate the long-term death rate among those who have taken the vaccines to be anywhere from 10% to 70%. This means based on current vaccination data, we can expect vaccine-induced deaths to kill anywhere from 340 million people to 2.38 billion people.

And that's if the vaccines stop right now. (But they aren't stopping.)

Currently, nearly 30 million new vaccine doses are administered daily (OurWorldInData.org). Many of these are second doses, so this number doesn't represent new people receiving their first dose, although that's part of this number. According to the same data source, roughly about 90% of those who have received at least one vaccine have also received a second vaccine. (In other words, people who take the jabs tend to go with two doses, not just one.)

Widely published medical research -- including the vaccine manufacturers' own data -- reveals that vaccine injuries and deaths increase sharply with the second dose of the jab. While the first jab is killing some people, the second jab tends to set people up for serious complications and risk of injury or death.

Thus, each day about 30 million people are moved up the "risk hierarchy," with most of them moving from a low-risk (single jabbed) category into a high-risk (double jabbed) category.

If just 10% of those who receive vaccines ultimately die from the spike protein injections, this means that each day the global vaccine initiative is eventually murdering about 3 million new people. And that's the estimate on the low side. A 50% death rate would mean the daily murder numbers are about 15 million people, or more than twice the total human cost of the Third Reich's Holocaust over the entire period of World War II.

Stated again, it is entirely plausible that right at this very minute, the global vaccine initiative is achieving "two holocausts" per day... although we won't know the actual numbers until the full extent of the vaccine injuries and deaths play out over time. And this will likely take years to fully develop...

Billions of casualties from the covid vaccine war on humanity?

We're estimating that the globalist vaccine push will ultimately manage to inject as many as 5 billion people with at least one "dose" of the bioweapons spike protein jab.

With casualty rates running from 10% - 70%, we are theoretically looking at global deaths of half a billion to 3.5 billion people.

I am hoping that by exposing the truth about vaccine bioweapons, we may be able to limit the global deaths to merely one billion people, but that may be entirely too optimistic. It is quite feasible that global deaths could greatly exceed 1 billion people and approach 2 or even 3 billion in a worst case scenario.

Dr. Paul Cottrell explains that these deaths might take ten years to be fully realized, due to the nature of ADE and how long it takes for new vaccine-resistant variants to emerge that bypass vaccine-damaged immune systems:


In other words, we may not see a billion or more deaths right away, but there will likely be another circulating wild-type virus which will, says Dr. Cottrell, wreak havoc among the vaccinated just like what we saw happen with the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918.

Vaccine deaths are separate from deaths caused by economic collapse, engineered famine and war

The other concerning factor in all this is that weaponized vaccines are not the only vector being used by globalists to wage war against the human race. Other forms being actively pursued include:

  • Terraforming (sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere to collapse global food crops)
  • Engineered famine (food supply weaponization / scarcity)
  • Chemical exposure (pesticides, fluoride, hormone disruptors in food packaging)
  • Ecological collapse (agricultural runoff, over fishing, rainforest destruction for soy farming, GMOs, etc.)
  • Economic collapse (currency collapse, debt bomb implosions, forced lockdowns, punitive taxation, fiat currency printing)
  • Cultural collapse (attacks on the Church, the family, reason and the rule of law)
  • Cyber warfare (attacks on the power grid, telecommunications, etc.)

If you put all these together, it becomes obvious that the vaccine war against humanity is just one part of a much larger depopulation assault which can easily lead to mass starvation, disease, destitution, violence and war.

The total casualties from such events are entirely unknown, but since every living person needs food, water and shelter in order to survive, the weaponization and scarcity of such supplies potentially puts all human life at risk. All 7.9 billion of us.

And by the way, treasonous actor Joe Biden just announced the restriction of monoclonal antibodies to red states, effectively declaring an act of warfare against his political enemies by denying them lifesaving medicine. This is open warfare against conservative America, and it clarifies the fact that humanity-hating globalists (and their puppets like Biden) will indeed pull out all the stops to achieve mass extermination by any means possible.

Thus, the only rational conclusion from all this is that all 7.9 billion living human beings are in grave danger of being exterminated through various means: Bioweapons, economic collapse, starvation, geoengineering and weather weaponization, geopolitical war and so on.

Will enough knowledge and know-how survive to rebuild civilization?

To address the primary question of this article, will enough people survive to rebuild civilization, I can only answer honestly: I'm really not sure.

I don't know if human civilization survives this without being plunged into an 18th century existence and losing much of what we've gained over the last 2+ centuries.

Furthermore, it looks to me like the total extermination of human civilization is the goal of the globalists.

They are preparing Earth for a post-human future. There is no plan for human beings to exist in any sustainable form whatsoever. This is why they don't care if they're risking the credibility of "science" or "medicine" or even government itself. If their own plans are successful, there won't be anyone left alive to matter.

Let us pray we can stop them, and remember that doing so will take more than signing petitions or sharing links. In the mean time, avoid the clot shot if you wish to be part of the future of the human race.

Today's Situation Update podcast delves into this topic in more detail, via Brighteon.com:


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