(Article by Brandon Smith republished from BirchGold.com)
It’s vital to understand what tensions with the East could cause.
It’s worth a watch:
Here are a few key quotes:
This war has utterly reshaped the global military and trade alliances, and the sanctions that followed as well, and in total they have upended the post-World War II economic order. The system that guaranteed prosperity in the West for more than 80 years is coming apart very fast, and along with it the dominance of the U.S. dollar.
I agree.
In fact, I don’t think the majority of Americans have a clue what the real consequences of a global war with Russia and its allies would look like.
Even if the conflict never resulted in shots fired and stayed confined to the realm of economic warfare, the U.S. and most of Europe would be devastated.
Carlson specifically mentioned dangers to the status of the U.S. dollar.
I suspect this comment probably mystified a great number of people. Most of the population cannot fathom the idea of a U.S. dollar implosion set in motion by a foreign dump of the dollar as the global reserve currency.
They really do believe the dollar is invincible.
The most delusional people are, unfortunately, those within mainstream economic circles. They just can’t seem to grasp that the West is enduring a slow-motion financial collapse already.
War would accelerate the economic damage to levels not seen since the Great Depression.
The U.S. dollar replaced the British pound sterling as global reserve currency in 1944. The pound sterling ruled supreme for some 200 years, then spiraled in value after the UK bankrupted itself fighting both World Wars I and II.
Before that, the French franc was the world’s preferred currency for a century – before the nation bankrupted itself by experimenting with unbacked paper money (most spectacularly during the Mississippi Bubble scam). The resulting economic devastation led directly to the French Revolution.
The French franc replaced the Dutch guilder, which served as the world’s reserve currency for about a century before the Netherlands bankrupted itself through the course of the Eighty Years’ War.
Before that, the Spanish silver dollar was the world’s reserve currency, in part due to the fantastically productive Spanish mines in the New World. But no matter how many tons of silver the Spanish galleons carried across the Atlantic, the government spent even more… First defaulting on the nation’s debts, then debasing the currency in order to keep fighting against the English and Dutch, the Spanish silver dollar faded from history.
I could keep going back in time to dig up more examples…
Here’s the point:
Every global reserve currency in history has been replaced.
Every single one.
The issuing government spends more money than it has (usually during wartime) – debases the currency, and sometimes defaults on debts as well – shattering the trust that’s necessary for any currency to survive.
I have been warning about this outcome for many years. I think I have made my position clear in the past; I suspect the conflict between east and west has been carefully engineered over the course of a decade or more, and Russia is not innocent in this affair.
Russia has consistently collaborated with globalist institutions including the IMF in the effort to create a new “global reserve currency system.” As I noted in 2014 in my article False East/West Paradigm Hides Rise Of Global Currency in reference to the burgeoning war with Ukraine.
I would remind pro-Putin cheerleaders that Putin and the Kremlin first pushed for the IMF to take control of the Ukrainian economy, and the IMF is now demanding that Ukraine fight Russia in exchange for financial support. This might seem like irony to more foolhardy observers; but to those who are aware of the false East/West paradigm, it is all the part of a greater plan for consolidation of power.
From the moment Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was deposed (many argue that this was done with the help of western intel agencies) the agenda for World War III was set in motion. Both sides seem to create the circumstances by which a conflagration was unavoidable.
Russia, strangely, supported the intervention of the IMF to secure Ukraine’s economy. The IMF then demanded that Ukraine fight Russia to keep control of the Donbas or risk losing the financial aid that was keeping the country alive. Is this irony, or is there something else going on here?
NATO started arming Ukraine, and Ukraine used those arms to slaughter civilians in the Donbas. The eastern population wanted to join with Russia, and Ukraine had no intention of allowing that (IMF funding was on the line). In the meantime, the government openly negotiating the official inclusion of Ukraine into NATO. Russia then invaded, taking the Donbas.
Now the entire region is a powder keg and both sides are ready to light the fuse.
If I had to pick a side that is “more right” in their position, it would have to be Russia. Imagine if China was working to create a military alliance with Mexico with the potential for the Chinese military to stage weapons and soldiers on our southern border? Imagine the chaos that this would cause in the US? That’s what Russia was facing with Ukraine.
Remember, America almost initiated global nuclear war when Soviet Russia staged missiles in Cuba in 1962. Military operations so close to the borders of major national powers are no joke.
I certainly don’t trust Putin, but that doesn’t negate the Orwellian behavior of European and American political leaders. There is something going on here beyond the typical mechanisms of geopolitical brinkmanship. War only benefits a select group of globalists, and I suspect both sides are either knowingly or unwittingly serving globalist interests.
It is undeniable. It is a verifiable reality: Our governments and elitist institutions are corrupt beyond comprehension. They are seeking an authoritarian reformation, a “great economic reset” and they are triggering multiple conflicts around the world. We saw the mask come off during Covid. These people are not merely misguided; they are monsters, and they are hungry. It is not beyond them to conjure a worldwide crisis and sacrifice the west like a goat on the altar to get the centralization they desire.
The East/West paradigm plays into this plan perfectly. The BRICS nations are poised to drop the dollar completely; some have already done so in bilateral trade.
Make no mistake, if the conflict in Ukraine (and other parts of the world like Syria or Iran) continues to escalate China will move to dump its dollar holdings. As the largest importer/exporter in the world, many countries would follow China’s lead and shift away from the dollar for international trade.
What does this mean?
The dollar, which has been hyperinflated through more than a decade of Federal Reserve money-printing, has continued to remain stable only because it is the world reserve and the petrocurrency. Foreign banks hold trillions in dollars in overseas coffers for this very reason. With the loss of reserve status, an endless flow of dollars will then flood back into the U.S. as foreign investors diversify away from the Fed note.
Result? Massive inflationary collapse.
This is what’s at stake.
This is what Tucker Carlson was likely referring to, and far too many in America just don’t get it. Globalists benefit because this is what they have been working towards for decades – The deconstruction of U.S. society and the economy, so that the “old world order” can be replaced with their “new world order” of central bank digital currencies, an IMF currency basket and a host of other highly unpleasant socialist changes.
And the best part for them is, they will be seen as the “heroes” when it’s all over. They spent the better part of the last century setting up America for economic failure through their devaluation of the dollar and the creation of a national debt trap. The system was going to break anyway, but now they can divert all blame to war and the “arrogance of nation states” and then come to the rescue with their dystopian digital money.
An east/west conflict opens the door to the Great Reset. Right now, the only thing holding back the tide is the public’s general refusal to fight. No one is interested in going overseas to die in a meaningless battle for Ukraine (Zelensky is truly delusional if he thinks Americans will shed blood in his trenches – Even a draft would be an utter failure). No one is interested in starting WWIII, whether it be nuclear or just economic.
If the last three years have taught us nothing else, anyone with eyes in their heads knows that the U.S. dollar is failing as a store of value. The federal government seems determined to drive its value to zero and the rest of the world isn’t standing idly by… That’s why it’s absolutely crucial to diversify your savings out of dollars, into history’s proven safe-haven store of value assets: Physical precious metals.
I think the establishment’s outrage over Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin is based on their fear that western audiences might see another side to the war and be even less interested in fighting.
This, however, does not negate the ability of NATO or Russia in expanding the war beyond Ukraine into other regions or into financial subterfuge (again, keep your eyes on Syria and Iran). Ultimately, they want us to choose sides, but only from the list of sides they approve. Liberty minded groups in the west need to choose our OWN side and fight for our own interests. It can’t about NATO vs Russia, it has to been about free people vs the globalists. This is the only way these disaster events will ever end.
Read more at: BirchGold.com